Japan Crate Treasures!
A huge thanks to Japan Crate for this month's UMAI crate and KIRA KIRA crate. I've always wanted to try out subscription boxes. I can only recall ordering a chocolate crate before which gave me a gnarly stomach ache that I had to unsubscribe after the first box.
The difference between these two services is whether or not the contents edible. Haha!
The Umai crate consist of hand picked instant ramen noodles from Japan. Btw, all crates are shipped from Japan so you can be sure you're getting the good stuff.
For this month's box, there were 8 items: 3 cup noodles, 3 stove top ramen, 1 kake-udon set and a ramen lid holder. Everything in the box was new to me and I'm so excited to try them all!
The Kira Kira crate was the best thing ever. I honestly didn't need any more beauty products since I bought a ton in Korea...what am I thinking? You can never have too many beauty products! It's always great to have items to re-stock with, right?
For this month, there 6 items included with most of them being full-sized items. My favorite it of all would have to be the eyebrow palette with eyebrow stencils (!!!) and the Green Tea Hello kitty face masks. Face masks...another thing you can't have too many of.
Included in both crates were little booklets explaining all the items and how to use/prepare them which is a life saver for those who can't read or understand Japanese. I'm in love with this service because we all know it's always exciting and almost a nostalgic feel to come back home to something in the mail. We are so overwhelmed by the bills and junk mail....companies harassing you to apply for a credit card. Checking the mail can be such a dread sometimes. I felt like this was a great way to spice up my mailbox :)
